Registration Appeal

Appeal against registration category

If, after registration, an applicant that is of the opinion that he/she was not registered in the correct registration category, a formal Appeal against the Registration Category can be submitted, within 30 days of registration.

The Appeal must be accompanied by documentation setting out the ground(s) and reason(s) for the appeal.  All corroborating documents must also be presented in A4 format and include documentary proof where needed.

The appeal will be considered by the Council. Click here to apply

Appeal against refusal to register an applicant

If the application for registration has been turned down for whatever reason, the applicant may, if he/she is of the opinion that the grounds for the refusal are not valid, submit a formal Appeal against the Refusal to register him/her, within 30 days of notification of the refusal.

The Appeal must be accompanied by documentation setting out the ground(s) and reason(s) for the appeal.  All corroborating documents must also be presented in A4 format and include documentary proof where needed.

The appeal will be considered by the Council.  Click here to apply

Appeal against period of internship

Applicants registered as Candidates are required to complete a pre-determined period of internship, commencing on date of registration, before he/she is eligible to write the Professional Practice Examination (PPE) and upgrade to a Professional registration category.

If the Candidate is of the opinion that there are valid reasons why he/she should not be required to complete the period of internship, or part thereof, a formal Appeal against the requirements for internship can be submitted.  This must be done within 30 days of registration as a Candidate.

The Appeal must be accompanied by documentation setting out the ground(s) and reason(s) for the appeal.  All corroborating documents must also be presented in A4 format and include documentary proof where needed.

The appeal will be considered by the Council.  Click here to apply

Appeal against cancellation of registration

If the Registration of a Registered Person is cancelled for whatsoever reason, including for non-payment of annual fees or improper conduct, the person can appeal the decision to cancel his/her registration.  The Appeal must be submitted, within 30 days of cancellation of registration.

The Appeal must be accompanied by documentation setting out the ground(s) and reason(s) for the appeal.  All corroborating documents must also be presented in A4 format and include documentary proof where needed.

The appeal will be considered by the Council. Click here to apply


An architectural fees calculator is a tool designed by the South African Council for the Architectural profession to help registered professionals to calculate architectural fees for building projects.
The architectural fees calculator takes into account various factors such as the size and complexity of the building project, the material used, and the time required to complete the project.

Click here to open the fees calculator


Telephone : +27 11 479 5000
Fax : +27 11 479 5100
Office hours : 08h00 - 16h30
(Monday - Friday)


51 Wessel Road, Right Wing, Rivonia
Sandton, 2128
GPS co-ordinates: Latitude: 26.04567
and Longitude: 28.06055


PO Box 1500, Rivonia, 2128