Monday, 31 May 2021 | press-release
The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Mangaung Municipality. The partnership will effectively ensure that both authorities work together on matters relating to land use and building development within jurisdiction Mangaung Municipality.
The MoU was triggered by the Ease of Doing Business Benchmark study conducted by the World Bank Group to optimise the Construction Permits processes.
The MoU seeks to ensure that only registered professionals who are in good standing with SACAP submit applications for approval and to improve the standard and quality of applications submitted to Mangaung Municipality. In addition, the MoU seeks to improve compliance with National Building regulations and the South African National Standards 10400 by registered professionals.
The MoU is one of several key strategic partnerships that SACAP has entered into with various municipalities with the objective to improve the regulation of the profession and the protection of the public. The partnership with the Mangaung Municipality is a great achievement for both authorities and will have a significant and positive impact to the architectural profession. This collaboration will allow SACAP and Mangaung Municipality to coordinate public campaigns to raise awareness about registration, and promote the use of registered professionals by the public.
SACAP Registrar, Adv. Toto Fiduli further said, "The signing of the MOU between SACAP and Mangaung Municipality marks an important milestone for both authorities which will have a significant and positive impact in improving the standards of service rendered by registered professionals to the public” .
The MoU further commits the two authorities to work together in pursuit better regulation of the built environment and both parties welcomes the MoU.
Media Enquiries:
Stakeholder Relations Manager
Ntokozo Masango
Mobile- 082 327 2169