Thursday, 14 September 2023 | announcements
On 12
September 2023, SACAP conducted a school visit at Bergville Christian Academy
to promote architecture as a career choice among grade 9-10 learners. The
visit provided SACAP with the opportunity to engage with Learners studying
pure maths and physical science. During the
visit, SACAP presented its regulatory statutory mandate. We disseminated
career guides containing valuable information on Architecture; University
entry requirements to study architecture; accredited Universities where
learners can study architecture; and Registration Categories aligned
qualifications. The
learners demonstrated interest and enthusiasm about architecture. Many of
them had a good understanding of architecture. We continue to actively
promote architecture as a career option, inspiring the architectural
professionals of tomorrow. About SACAP The South
African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) is legally charged
to regulate the architectural profession in South Africa by the Architectural
Profession Act 2000, Act 44 of 2000. The architectural profession includes
professional architects, senior architectural technologists, architectural
technologists, draughtspersons, specified categories, and candidates in each
of the categories of registration, all of whom are required to be registered
with SACAP before they can practice architecture. Media Enquiries: Ntokozo
Masango: Stakeholder Relations, Marketing, and Communications Manager Email- Mobile-
082 327 2139 |