Wednesday, 27 March 2024 | announcements
Invitation to all interested Architectural Academics & Registered Professionals to serve as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) panel members for the 6th term Council
1. Introduction
a) In terms of section 19 (2) (b) (iii) and (4) of the Architectural Profession Act 44 of 2000, the Council must consider evidence “previous learning and experience of a learner, how so ever obtained, against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification and the acceptance for the purpose of qualification of that which meets those requirements.
b) The RPL process involves the identification, documentation, assessment and recognition of prior learning (knowledge, skills, competencies and values acquired formally or informally) in accordance with the 10 professional competencies.
c) Consequently, the RPL panel is responsible for the assessment of all recognition of prior learning applications in line with the prescribed requirements.
2. Application requirements
a) We
invite all interested experienced architectural lecturers and registered
professional to apply to serve on the RPL panel. The application must be
accompanied by the following:
One page motivation letter;
An abridged CV (comprising a maximum of
three pages)
SACAP Registration certificate
iv. Certified copies of qualifications
3. All applications should be submitted to SACAP by no later than 30 April 2024 to Ms Nita Schmidlin.
Should you have any query do not hesitate to contact Ms Kimberley Rowan on 011 479 5000 or