Invitation to serve on Committees of SACAP
The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (“SACAP”) is a statutory body established in terms of section 2 of the Architectural Profession Act No 44 of 2000 (“the Act”). SACAP regulates the architectural profession by setting up standards for education, training, registration, continuing professional development, recognition of prior learning and professional conduct.
Section 17 of the Act stipulates that the Council may establish any Committee, including an Investigating Committee, to assist it in the performance of its functions and may appoint any person as a member of that Committee. Pursuant to the above provisions of the Act, the 6th term Council seeks to appoint persons to serve on its committees.
SACAP hereby invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced professionals to serve on SACAP Committees.
The role of this Committee is investigating complaints of improper conduct and obtain evidence to determine whether or not in its opinion the registered person concerned may be charged with improper conduct and, if so, recommend to the Council the charge or charges that may be preferred against that registered person.
The role of the Audit & Risk Committee is to assist the Council in its oversight on the integrity of financial reporting. Supports the Council to meet its responsibilities regarding financial statements and the financial reporting systems and internal controls. Assist the Council to monitor the effectiveness and objectivity of internal and external auditors and provide inputs on the assessment of SACAP risks and determination of risk appetite as part of the overall setting of strategy. Assist the Council in its oversight of SACAP’s risk management framework, and monitor its effectiveness.
The members of the Committee must collectively have sufficient qualifications and experience to fulfil their duties, including an understanding of financial reporting; internal financial controls; external and internal audit processes; risk management; fraud and ethics; information technology governance; and corporate governance.
The primary objective of the Education Committee is to assist the Council to create standards and procedures for architecture education and Professional Practice Examination. Exercise an oversight on the accreditation visit of educational institutions which has a department, school or faculty of architecture.
In terms of section 13 (k) of the Act, the Council must determine, after consultation with the Voluntary Associations (VAs) and registered persons, conditions relating to and the nature and extent of continuing education and training.
The CPD Committee is responsible for the development and training of registered professionals. The CPD Committee, in consultation with VAs and registered persons develops learning activities for professionals to develop and enhance their abilities and competencies. Primarily to enhance personal skills and proficiency throughout registered professional’s career.
Committee oversees various aspects of interests of all internal and external Stakeholders of SACAP and ensure that all matters which affect internal and external stakeholders are attended to. Assist Council to put together Stakeholder Relations strategy and a communication plan. Assist Council to create open and active communication platforms that reach key stakeholders.
The role of the Committee is to assist the Council to ensure that employees are remunerated fairly and responsibly with the long-term interests of SACAP. Ensure that there are effective Human Resource Policies that are aligned with the SACAP’s strategy. Ensure that such policies are applied consistently throughout SACAP at all employee levels.
Monitor and review the development of policies with respect to Human Resources Management and review the effectiveness of recruitment, performance management, performance assessment, and skills assessment. Review the remuneration framework, recruitment, retention, and remuneration policies.
The role of the Transformation Committee is developing programs that support the transformation of the Architectural Profession to improve diversity, gender and race representation though various programs including recognition of prior learning.
The role of the Committee is to ensure that that there is an effective identification of the type of architectural work (IDoW) which may be performed by persons registered in any of the categories referred to in section 18 of the Architectural Profession Act, including work which may fall within the scope of any other profession regulated by the professions’ Acts referred to in the Council for the Built Environment Act, 2000.
In terms of 34 (1) & (2) of the Act, the Council must, in consultation with the Voluntary Associations, formulate recommendations with regard to the principles referred to in section 4 (k)(v) of the Council for the Built Environment Act, 2000. The Council must annually, after consultation with the Voluntary Associations, determine guideline professional fees and publish those fees in the Gazette.
The role of the Committee is to assist the Council to ensure that there is compliance with section 34 of the Act by ensuring that SACAP publishes guideline professional fees in the Gazette annually.
Applications and closing date
Please take notice that in appointing suitable persons, the Council will take into account the demographic composition of each committee and will seek to achieve a more representative committee in accordance with the demographics of the country
The closing date for all applications is 15 January 2024. Late applications will not be considered.
All applications should be directed to Ms Nandipha Ndabana at