Frequently Asked Questions.

All the fees levied by SACAP, including the administration fee for registration, are determined annually and published in the Government Gazette and on SACAP’s website.

Yes, your application can be rejected. SACAP will notify you in writing regarding the reason/s for the unsuccessful application. Please note that the administration fee is non-refundable.

1.  In the event that the local authority does not approve your building plans, they will provide reasons why the building plans have been rejected and what must be done to ensure that the building plans are approved. The architectural professional should make all the necessary corrections on the building plans and resubmit the building plan application for approval.


Proof of payments and any finance related queries can be sent to

It is advisable to send the POP using your email address registered in your profile as opposed to the POP that is send straight from the bank as the one from the bank will not provide enough information as to who the payment belongs to incase an incorrect reference number was used.