Frequently Asked Questions.

 An application fee is  the non-refundable fee required  to process an Application for the PPE. 

To use the architectural titles and provide architectural services in South Africa, it is a legal requirement under the Architectural Profession Act 44 of 2000 to be registered with the SACAP. If you are not registered you cannot represent that you are an architectural professional, which includes stating or implying that you are an architectural professional, practicing as an architectural professional or undertaking or are willing to undertake work as an architectural professional.

·    Please follow the following steps to update your profile:

Log in >> Go to ‘Manage Profile’ >> Go to ‘Edit bio’ >> change details accordingly >> Save

·         Please follow the following steps to access your invoices:

Log in >> Go to ‘Manage Profile’ >> Go to ‘Invoicing, Payments & History’ >> Go to ‘Invoices’ >> Filter by status: ‘any status/open/processed/closed’

*open = invoices are unpaid

*closed/processed/shipped = invoices are paid/reversed

*cancelled = invoices are reversed

There are various courses that a person can take in order to prepare for a career in the architectural profession. These include: a Higher Certificate in Architecture, a Diploma in Architecture, a Bachelor of Architecture (NQF 7) or an Advanced Diploma in Architecture. Should you wish to study towards registration as a Professional Architect, you will then need to proceed to a Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) and a Master of Architecture degree.

SACAP has 11 validated Architectural Learning Sites (ALSs) / Universities where a student can pursue a career in the architectural profession. These universities are; a. University of Cape Town (UCT) b. Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) c. Nelson Mandela University (NMU) d. University of Pretoria (UP) e. Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) f. University of Johannesburg (UJ) g. University of Witwatersrand (WITS) h. University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) i. Durban University of Technology (DUT) j. University of the Free State (UFS) Note: Applicants must first understand registration categories of SACAP that they aspire to be registered in and then check that their University of choice offers the qualification to enable them to register in a preferred category of registration.