The architectural professional is required to provide you with the details of the professional indemnity insurance. This must be included in the written contract.
The PPE is a single examination
comprising of two papers. If a candidate fails any of the two papers, they are
required to rewrite both papers.
SACAP is listed as a public beneficiary at the big
5 banks. Please search for SACAP as follows:
ABSA: SA Council for the Arch…
Standard bank: SACAP
Capitec: SACAP
Nedbank: S.A.C.A.P
If you are paying from any other bank account
please use the below details:
Bank: First National Bank
Account type: Cheque/Current Account
Account number: 504 1117 2203
Branch code: 254005
International SWIFT
International Routing
code: ZA 254005
Below is the
link to steps on how to pay SACAP using the top 5 SA banking APPs